S.P. Chouliaras, P.D. Kaklis, K.V. Kostas, A.I. Ginnis, C.G. Politis, 2021, “An Isogeometric Boundary Element Method for 3D lifting flows using T-splines”, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 373.
S.P. Chouliaras, K.V. Kostas, A.I. Ginnis, C.G. Politis and P.D. Kaklis, 2021, “Refinement strategies for 3D lifting flows using an IGA-BEM solver”, XVI International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS 2021), ECCOMAS-IACM Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
K.V. Kostas, A. Amiralin, S. Sagimbayev, T. Massalov, Y. Kalel, C.G. Politis, 2020, “Parametric model for the reconstruction and representation of hydrofoils and airfoils”, Ocean Engineering, 199.
Kostas, K.V., Fyrillas, M.M., Politis, C.G., Ginnis, A.I., Kaklis, P.D., 2018, “Shape optimization of conductive-media interfaces using an IGA-BEM solver”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 340, pp. 600-614.
Kaklis, P. D., Politis, C. G., Belibassakis, K. A., Ginnis, A. I., Kostas, K. V. and Gerostathis, T. P., 2017, “Boundary‐Element Methods and Wave Loading on Ships”. In Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics Second Edition (eds E. Stein, R. Borst and T. J. Hughes).
K.V. Kostas, A.I. Ginnis, C.G. Politis, P.D. Kaklis, 2017, “Shape optimization of 2D hydrofoil using an Isogeometric BEM solver”, Computer Aided Design, 82, 79-87.
Wang, X., Chouliaras, S.P., Kaklis, P.D., Ginnis, A.A.-I., Politis, C.G., Kostas, K.V., 2017, “Wave-resistance computation via CFD and IGA-BEM solvers: A comparative study”, Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, pp. 706-712.
K.V. Kostas, A.I. Ginnis, C.G. Politis, P.D. Kaklis, 2015, “Ship-hull shape optimization with a T-spline based BEM-isogeometric solver”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 284.
A.I. Ginnis, K.V. Kostas, C.G. Politis, P.D. Kaklis, 2015, “VELOS – A VR environment for ship applications: Current status and planned extensions”, Virtual Realities – Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8844, pp.33-55, Springer.
A.I. Ginnis, K.V. Kostas, C.G. Politis, P.D. Kaklis, K.A. Belibassakis, Th.P. Gerostathis, M.A. Scott, T.J.R Hughes, 2014, “Isogeometric Boundary-Element Analysis for the Wave-Resistance Problem using T-splines”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 279, 425-439.
C.G. Politis, A.I. Ginnis, P.D. Kaklis, K. Belibassakis, C. Feuer, 2009, “An Isogeometric BEM for exterior potential-flow problems in the plane”, in Proceedings of SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, San Francisco, California, USA.
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