General Info

Course Content / Syllabus

General principles of 3D design. The use of computers in the product development cycle (CAD/CAE/RP/CAM/CAPP). Representation of geometric entities in CAD systems (edge models, surface models, solid models). Basic techniques for modeling solid models (Constructive solid geometry, Boundary representation). Parametric feature-based modeling. CAD software categories, capabilities, and functions. Graphic interface environment. 3D design of parts and assemblies and modifications. 3D modeling for CAE processing (thermal stress analysis with FEA). 3D modeling for CAM processing. 3D modeling for additive manufacturing (3D printing). 3D sheet metal modeling. 3D modeling from a point cloud. 3D mechanism modeling, kinematic analysis and simulation.

Course Outline

  1. G.B. = General Background, S.B. = special background, S.: Specialised.↩︎