Dimitrios Koubogiannis

Κουμπογιάννης Δημήτριος (βιογραφικό)

   +30  210  538  5390


  Office location: Κ10.132

  Office hours:
Monday 14:00 – 15:00,
Friday 13:00 – 14:00


   Curriculum vitae

Dimitrios Koubogiannis

Associate Professor


  • PhD in the scientific area of Computational Fluid Dynamics, School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA, Athens, Greece, 1998.
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA, Athens, Greece, 1992.



Research interests

  • Development of computational methods and tools for the numerical simulation of flows in engineering applications, Reduced Order Modelling, flow control.
  • Study of flow phenomena, heat transfer, flow-structure interaction and assessment of energy harvesting devices by means of numerical simulations.
  • Optimum design of aerodynamic shapes and components of energy systems based on numerical simulations, gradient-based or stochastic optimization and artificial intelligence techniques.
  • Modelling of energy engineering systems and their components aiming to the study and assessment of their operational performance (waste heat recovery, combined cycle using conventional or organic Rankine cycle, natural gas liquefaction by means of reverse Brayton cycle, supercritical CO2 plant).
  • Operational and embodied energy consumption, and corresponding environmental CO2 footprint in Life Cycle Assessment of buildings, ships and their energy systems.


Selected publications

D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS, V.P. ILIADIS and K.C. GIANNAKOGLOU: “A Parallel CFD Tool to Produce Faulty Blade Signatures for Diagnostic Purposes”, ASME Paper 98-GT-169, 43rd ASME Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Stockholm, June 2-5, 1998.

G.I. TSOURAKIS, D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS and K.C. GIANNAKOGLOU: “Transition and Heat Transfer Predictions in a Turbine Cascade at Various Free-stream Turbulence Intensities through a One-Equation Turbulence Model”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 38, 1091-1110, 2002.

D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS, A.N. ATHANASSIADIS and K.C. GIANNAKOGLOU: “One- and Two-Equation Turbulence Models for the Prediction of Complex Cascade Flows Using Unstructured Grids”, Computers & Fluids, 32, 403-430, 2003.

N.K. LAMBROPOULOS, D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS and K.C. GIANNAKOGLOU: “Acceleration of a Navier-Stokes Equation Solver for Unstructured Grids Using Agglomeration Multigrid and Parallel Processing”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193, pp. 781-803, 2004.

M.K. KARAKASIS, D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS and K.C. GIANNAKOGLOU: “Hierarchical Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Shape Optimization”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 53(3), pp.455-469, 2007.

AGGELOGIANNAKI, H. SARIMVEIS and D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS, “Model Predictive Temperature Control in Long Ducts by Means of a Neural Network Approximation Tool”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 27, Issues 14-15, October 2007, pp. 2363-2369, 2007.

VRAHLIOTIS, D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS, Th. PAPPOU, S. BITZARAKIS and S. TSANGARIS, “CFD Prediction of wind loads on a tall building”, 10th HSTAM International Congress in Mechanics, Chania 25-27 May 2013, Greece.

BONIS, H. SARIMVEIS and D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS, “Optimal Control of Vortex Shedding using Detailed Models”, Proceedings of the 8th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Volos, 12–15 July, 2015, Greece.

E.G. KARVELAS, D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS, A. HATZIAPOSTOLOU and I.E. SARRIS, “The effect of anode bed geometry on the hydraulic behavior of PEM fuel cells”, Renewable Energy, 9, pp. 269-279, 2016.

D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS, “Parametric CFD study of micro-energy harvesting in a flow channel exploiting vortex shedding”, Open Engineering, 6, 135–144, 2016.

LAMPROPOULOS, D. KOUBOGIANNIS and K. BELIBASSAKIS, “Numerical Simulation of Flapping Foil Propulsion”, 11th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Athens, 27 – 30 May, 2016, Greece.

D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS, G. SYNGROS and C.A. BALARAS, “Calculated embodied energy                 intensity of construction materials in typical Hellenic dwellings”, Journal of Civil Engineering        and Architecture Research, vol. 4(4), pp.1975-1983, 2017.

KARVOUNIS, D.G. KOUBOGIANNIS and A. HATZIAPOSTOLOU, “Numerical and experimental study of forced-circulation water flow characteristics in a solar collector manifold”, Energies, Special Issue “Alternative Sources of Energy Modeling and Automation”, 12(8), 1431; https://doi.org/10.3390/en12081431, 2019.



The current academic year teaches in the context of the following courses:


  • Heat Transfer
  • Steam Boilers, Steam Turbines, and Applications in Marine Engineering
  • Refrigeration – Air Conditioning
  • Special Topics in Thermal Turbomachines


  • Computational Methods for Engineers